High on Anime, Games and Everything else

Sunday, November 19, 2006

PlayStation 3 is out, and so are the guns and hammers.

While I own a PlayStation 2 and it's older brother, the original PlayStation, I have lost interested in the latest offering from Sony. I was never much of a Sonnyboy, the only reason why I got the PS is because:

1) Nintendo doesn't appeal to me
2) I hate Microsoft, and
3) Sega jumped off the console bandwagon (either accidently or pushed by someone else).

So when I hear about the PS3, well, I can't wait for the Nintendo Wii.

But that never stopped me from checking out the fuss of the PS3 launch. It finally arrived in Japan last week, and in the Yankee country on Friday.

And it is in the Yankee country that I had to laugh at them.

First up, a gaming retail store got robbed. That's right, robbed. Why? Because they have PS3s. I mean, what is wrong with you people? For fuck's sake, it's a GAMING console. It can't do anything except play games and other hi-tech whatever shit that Sony let you do. Well, of course you can sell that on eBay as well to earn some quick cash.

Then, we have campers outside retail stores where they were treated with not a PS3, but BB gun, riot, fights and robbery. Just what the fuck is wrong with the Americans? Yes, I can understand the long long long line, the super-over-inflated price on eBay, even the riot, but getting shot at? What were you thinking? "$600 x no. of people in line = $$$$$$$, let's go rob them, motherfuckers."

On other news, someone (yet again, the Yankees) would like to buy a PS3 just to kill it. You buy it, you smash it. So fun.... yeah, right. Bunch of dumb idiots.

Ahh... how I love the Yanks.


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