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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sales Chart: PS2 has a new game on top, and the DS Lite continues to obliterate the PSP

Week ending Jan 28 2007 - PS2 has a new game on top, and the DS Lite continues to obliterate the PSP

According to Media Create, you don't need to understand Japanese to see that Sony didn't even manage to sell 20,000 units of their new(-ish) PS3 AND was destroyed by their old(er)-gen console, the PS2, by 999 units.

So what this is saying is that more people are buying the old-gen video game console than the next-gen. Now, I'm not an "industry insider" on gaming, but I think Sony is panicking.

I mean, your literally shinny toy is getting its ass kicked by your old stuff? That's is just bad. To make a comparison, for every 1 PS3 sold, more than 4 of Nintendo's new baby (which still Wii on the floor) found a new home.

Now lots of you is probably going to say, "But there wasn't any PS3 stock to start with." I put this to you, "Well, there weren't any good games on the PS3 to start with." Only 1 PS3 game (that's right, ONE) made it to the top 50 chart for the week.

No doubt the top brass at Sony is hurrying guys at SquareEnix to finish Final Fantasy XIII. The PS3 definitely needs not one, but lots of big budget titles to keep it afloat.

As if adding salt to PS3's injury, this week's top selling game is on the PS2! Ironic, isn't it? GTA:SA made it to the top this week, finally dethroning a Nintendo title, any Nintendo title from ichiban for the first time this year.

Out of the top 10, 8 are on Nintendo hardware, with 3/4 of them developed by Nintendo themselves. They are smiling? Damn right they are. They are laughing all the way to the bank.
Why wouldn't they, the DS Lite is killing the PSP. It just goes to show, hardware is nothing if there's no good software to support it.

Oh, by the way, these figures are for the Japanese market only.

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