Anime theme Computer. Now that's an idea. Why didn't I think of that?
For those of us who think Anime-related wallpaper on our own computer desktop is not enough, why not have the whole computer covered in Anime arts? Well, here is your chance. A Japanese made-to-order computer company, Decore, is selling PCs and Laptops featuring girls in bikini, school uniform and a high concentration overdose of kawaii-ness.
Just imagine theweird looks admiration that you get when you bring Nanatsuiro to school / work. The specs are not half bad, either. This particular model here feature:

Take that, ASUS and Acer and your Lambos and Ferraris.
Source: Kotaku, DECORE
Just imagine the
- CoreDuo T2300E
- DVD Super Drive
- 512MB Memory
- 80 GB HDD
- ATi M56P-256M Graphics card
- 15.4 inch screen
- WinXP Home
- 802.11a+b+g WiFi

Take that, ASUS and Acer and your Lambos and Ferraris.
Source: Kotaku, DECORE
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