Sales Chart: PS2 continues to kick goal and DS still flying off the shelves

Week ending 4 February 2007
Another week, another sales chart. PS2 is yet again at the top of the games sales chart, kicking some goals with another soccer management game J.LEAGUE プロサッカークラブをつくろう!5 from Sega. Can you believe that? That makes two in a row for PS2. Well, can't say PS2 is doing all that bad at the moment. Publishers are still coming out with games for the PS2, just like GBA games. Well, I guess backward capability of the hardware (GBA on the DS, some PS2 on the PS3) is a factor here. I mean, you still play PSX games on your PS2, right?
Anyway, Nintendo still dominates the top 10. DS games occupies 6 spots while Wii takes out 2. The best selling game for the DS is the millionth make of Harvest Moon. Seriously, do people still play that? After all, this game has been incarnated on almost every platform imaginable. I must admit, though, it was fun... and very addictive.
On the hardware side, no prizes for guessing which won this week. DS Lite sold 146,073 units, outselling PSP with a factor of 4.68 (PSP sold 31,216). Wii (65,740) again outsold PS3 (18,727). But this week, PS3 has done something right, it's outselling its bigger brother.
And on the side note, XBox360 continues to die.
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week:
DS - Harvest Moon
Wii - Wii Sports
PS2 - J League Soccer Club 5
PSP - Monster Hunter Portable
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 32
PS2 - 9
Wii - 6
PSP - 2
Source: Media Create
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