High on Anime, Games and Everything else

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Japanese 9

Officially the second last Japanese class for this short course. Unofficially, this is the last one because next week, as told by the sensei, we will have a party of sort. He said he'll bring an anime to class. Having been watching any and all sort of anime, I have probably seen whatever that he's going to bring. But I'm not complaining, I can never get enough of anime, even those that I have seen before.

Anyhow, the lesson is pretty much just to finish off the counters. It's the specific counters this time. Finally getting to '2 cups of coffee', rather that last week with just '2 coffee'.

To sum the course, I think it went too quick. No exams, no assignments, it was realxing, to say the least. And of course, I've learnt some Japanese in the process too. While I won't understand anime any time soon, I think I'm heading towards the right direction.

Anyway, it had been fun. I should be back next year.


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