High on Anime, Games and Everything else

Friday, August 12, 2005

My first Japanese lesson in 10 years


Ten years after my last formal lesson in Japanese, I have found myself once again stepping into the wonderful world of the Japanese language. While I can pick up some Japanese words when watching Anime and Drama, I've decided that it is time for me to take it up seriously and properly again.

So with that in mind, I attended my first class last night. Being the first class, the sensei asked everyone - 17 of us in all - why we wanted to study Japanese. All of us have different reasons, but the interesting reason was to understand Anime without subtitles. That would have been my reason too, had I been the last one to introduce myself. But given that I was one of the first few to do so, I thought I should give them the "standard" response, you know, "broaden my language skill", that sort of shit. I bet no-one believed me when I said it.

It's like in a job interview, "why do you want to work for us?", the truth would have been "because I have no choice", but the answer you give would be "because I'm really interested in your company" and then give them your fakest smile.

Anyway, one of the girls said she wanted to learn some Japanese before she ventures to Japan to teach English next year. A valid reason, indeed. Actually, teaching English in Japan is one of those things that I wanted to do. But with my other commitment at the moment, that's not going to happen for some time to come.


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